Hello Fisters!
We are excited to formally announce registrations are open for 2022/2023.
You can register here.

Any fistball player participating in more than one State Association-sponsored tournament per year is required to hold FiFA membership. These membership funds will be used to contribute to the payment of IFA membership fees, public liability insurance, the purchasing of fistball equipment and other costs associated with running the Fistball Federation of Australia.
FiFA for the first time in eight years has taken the decision to increase the membership fees for 2022 - 2023 slightly.
- Returning members will now be able to pay $25 for their membership.
- New members can obtain a membership for $30.
- The changes have been made due to the increasing cost for insurances, equipment purchases & our transition to revolutioniseSPORT. However, this will mean we will be able to deliver more Fistball-related events & benefits to you.
You can go to register here: click here!
- Registered for Fistball Australia before? Just click the returning member icon and enter your basic details to renew your membership profile! We've converted your previous memberships to your profile!
- New Member? Great! Just click the new member icon and follow the prompts.
Registration should take 2 - 5 minutes to complete. It can be done by mobile, tablet or by computer!
- Returning members $25
- New members $30
- Supporter membership $10.
If paying online via Credit Card or Debit Card via the pay now option, please note there is an on charged fee for use of revolutioniseSPORT & Pin Payments.
This fee is set at 2% + $1.60 for your registration. However, the payment will be processed automatically at registration and you do not need to bank transfer us or quote a payment to us! Your membership will be active immediately.
What comes next?
- You will receive login details to use on our website to access your member account. Keep this handy if you need to update your details, review payment history or view your teams.
- You will also receive access to the members hub - we will update this with other information relevant for your membership.
- Know any mates? Refer them onto us to get a discount. If you get 3 x new members signed up, we will offer you a $20 discount to use at our shop https://www.fistball.com.au/shop/
- Keep an eye on updates for the 2022 Pacific Fistball Championship and on our Facebook page.
- Please note that for national team members, there are several scheduled training days up and coming. These can be found here and on facebook:
Links to Facebook events
You can register here.
Thanks for your support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.
Kind regards,